Kyle Hayes, Director of Development, and a team of three ladies visited children in Malawi and Zambia at the end of September. Joy abounded!
As with every CofP trip, much of our time is focused on interviewing each sponsored child, often with the help of a translator. These interviews are important for several reasons including program accountability and interpersonal connection.
We regularly tell our trip participants that by being present, we communicate to the children, their families, and the program volunteers that their lives are valuable, to us and to God.
The CofP program directors around the world work tirelessly to ensure the needs of vulnerable children are being met through their teams of volunteers. It is so special to see this played out first-hand on our trips. While in the village of Petauke, Zambia, one of the trip participants asked Mailes, our program director, which child in the village is in greatest need and not yet sponsored. Without missing a beat, Mailes identified Nathan, a young man who is being raised by his grandmother after both of his parents passed away. The trip participant immediately committed to sponsoring Nathan, and she and Mailes were able to tell him in person. Joy abounded in Petauke!
THIS is what it looks like for Children of Promise to be locally shaped and globally supported. Mailes and her team of volunteers know the needs of their communities. They love the children and they want them to have opportunities to thrive in lives marked by wholeness.
In 2025, we’ll be interviewing children in two of our biggest programs, Tanzania and the Philippines. With hundreds of sponsored children in each country, we need many people to join our travel teams to help us interview each child and be present with the people we serve. Would you prayerfully consider joining us?
Visit www.childrenofpromise.global/trips for more.
It’s nearly November (how can that be?!) which means we’re gearing up for our 3rd annual 300,000 step challenge! Make plans now to join us in walking, hiking, or running 10,000 steps per day during the month of November to help make wholeness possible for children experiencing poverty around the world.
This year our goal is to raise $14,500 for the Emergency Fund through the steps challenge. On a regular basis, sponsored children’s lives are upended by weather related disasters and other emergency needs. Our country has just experienced how devastating those disasters can be. We are praying for those whose lives were devastated by hurricane Helene.
Register for $30 per person and join your family, small group, or whole congregation in raising money and awareness for the Children of Promise Emergency Fund.
Click here to get started today!
As an organization we are always looking for ways to improve our systems to make the sponsorship experience better for you, our directors, and the children for whom we work.
One of the things we’ve been working on behind the scenes for the past several months is updating our giving statements that are distributed to you regularly.
Many of you will be receiving this new statement for the first time this month. Go to our website, www.childrenofpromise.global/NewStatements to access a detailed explanation. If you have questions or concerns, please call Debbie Evans at 765-648-2119 or email her at devans@childrenofpromise.global.
We hope this tool will help you track your giving as we all work together to make wholeness possible for kids around the world!
You may have noticed (wink, wink!) that we’re in the throws of election season.
Unfortunately, that often means name-calling, attack ads, and negativity all around. As a staff we’ve decided to take a different path this fall. To be counter-cultural in a world gone mad, we are going to choose kindness. This fall, we want to challenge all our supporters, no matter what side of the aisle you are on, to join us. Choose kindness, and let’s remind the world that there is still plenty of good worth celebrating.
Obviously, you don’t need this shirt to choose kindness, but you may find that wearing your commitment will help you stay accountable to living out this fruit of the Spirit during the difficult moments. If you want to wear your decision and do some good around the world, you can grab a shirt here. All proceeds will go to the Gap Fund to make more kindness happen around the world in our global programs.

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